Theo/ShaylaMom:   The most eclectic vacuum fleet among the SamoyedMoms, she has a Kirby Classic III (manufactured from 1976-79) that was a gift from another SamoyedMom who moved out of the area.  Kirby is owned by Berkshire Hathaway and has a distinguished history so worth exploring further.  Unlike the Ford Pinto, Kirby vacuum cleaners from the 1970s apparently have staying power.  She also has a Royal “Preferred Model” 9100 (manufactured from 1990-92).  She did mention something about keeping a fire extinguisher nearby when she runs the Kirby (hmmm, speaking of the Ford Pinto....)

GidgMom:  Nothing special here, GidgMom goes through undistinguished vacuums every few years that she’s bought from Best Buy - the most recent of which, a Bissell, lasted from 2004-2011 (that’s actually several years).  Samoyed hair has been heck on the roller.  She’s partial to bagless vacuums and recently purchased a Bissell from Costco for a little over $80 -- model #18M9V.  It’s okay, but it’s only one week old....

Harry/IrishMom:  Has a maid service. 

RigelMom:  Swears by a $50 vacuum she picked up at Target.  Crows that she’s had it for three years and it’s just fine. But she’s had Rigel for only one year so time will tell....

DaffyMom:  She and DaffyDad got an Electrolux canister vacuum when they married in 1998.  The vacuum has good power for sucking up all the dog hair and has an allergen filter.  She’s says that like most of us that have the roller and bristles type vacuums, the dog hair sometimes has to be cut off and pulled out. 


“Vacuum-Monsters” is an homage to GidgMom’s first Samoyed, Buck, who upon hearing it fire up would run around gathering up her stuffed animals to take them to a safe place.  She came to know the Vacuum-Monster by name.  The weekend before she died at age 14, she placed her beloved “Mr. Frog” atop the vacuum -- a gesture of bygones or appeasing the Vacuum-Gods?  Nine years later, Mr. Frog resides comfortably -- safe from The Vacuum-Monster. 

1970s Kirby Classic III